Public Transit
Public Transit Services
TO SCHEDULE A RIDE CONTACT: Dial-a-Ride at (256) 314-0047 or toll free (833) 314-0047
NACOLG’s Public Transit program operates Dial-a-Ride demand responsive service through which passengers schedule rides in advance and are transported from their origin to their destination for a fee. This service is available in the Shoals Area within ten miles of the city limits of Florence, Muscle Shoals, Tuscumbia, Sheffield, Russellville, Hamilton, and Haleyville.
Service is provided throughout the rural areas of Lauderdale, Colbert, Franklin, and Marion counties based on a variable rate when vehicles and drivers are available. In addition, NACOLG Transit provides transportation to public and private non-profit social service agencies under fee for services contracts. Current contracts include the Area Agency on Aging, The YMCA of the Shoals, The ARC of the Shoals, Riverbend, and NAMI Shoals, Inc.
Department Contacts:
Joseph (Joey) Holt - Director of Planning and Transportation
David Clemons - Transit Operations Manager