Revolving Loan Fund
Revolving Loan Fund
An important regional economic development tool, NACOLG’s Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) program consists of locally controlled capital used to provide “gap” financing for new or expanding businesses looking to create or retain jobs. The program targets small- to medium-sized businesses, small manufacturing companies, and local municipalities, with the goal to stimulate, develop and advance business and economic development, ultimately reducing unemployment and creating jobs. The Revolving Loan Fund works cooperatively with lending institutions on loans the institutions might not ordinarily make on their own.
While NACOLG staff administers the program, the NACOLG RLF Loan Administration Committee – a group of ten representatives from Colbert, Franklin, Lauderdale, Marion, and Winston Counties – governs the RLF program. The Loan Administration Committee meets on an as-needed basis to discuss and vote upon all loan applications.
Department Contacts:
Morgan Tittle - Revolving Loan Fund Manager
For more information including eligible activities, interest rates, loan terms, and funding amounts, see the documents below:
For more information regarding the RLF Program, please fill out the form below.